Free Birdhouse Plan
Check out our Free Birdhouse Plan. Just click below and download the free birdhouse plan PDF. Living in the country has given us lots of experience with birds. We have had robins build their nests under our deck preventing us from going out there in fear they’d stay away from their eggs too long. We have also had blue jays pecking holes in our trim. I have no idea why they do that but I sure hate it. Just a couple of days ago there was a baby finch in the grass who had apparently fallen out of his nest. My wife gently moved him to a safe area making sure not to get the human smell on him. I noticed him while I came upon him while cutting the grass! All of this aside we have had some great experiences too. Many times during the spring and summer we are awakened in the morning to their singing and chirping outside our open window. We have a great variety of birds coming and going. One early weekend morning while sitting on my front porch I noticed that a rather large area of our open grass was covered with hundreds of birds feeding. As I watched them I began to realize that they were all the same kind. Ahhh, I thought, is this where the saying “birds of a feather flock together” comes from? An old saying coming out of a simpler time when people had more time and less distractions to be able to watch and reflect on such things. Anyway, not sure about that old saying but by being able to build two modern birdhouses from this plan you may be able to fight back on the complexities of the modern world and develop your own modern saying. Can I suggest? “birds of a feather live together”.
Free Birdhouse Project Plan
Free Bird House Plan
 Classic Birdhouse Plan
Free Birdhouse Plan